Why do bridges collapse and how to prevent bridge disasters?

18 Mar 2021

There have been many serious bridge disasters throughout history.

  Why do bridges collapse?

  • One: Natural disasters
  • Two: Construction and demolition incidents
  • Three: Design and manufacturing defects
  • Four: Improper or neglected maintenance
  • Five: Fire

The history of bridge construction and catastrophic failures has taught us a lot of things, but especially to think about safety first. Lessons learned: all the problems listed above can be tracked! Early detection of damage leads to prevention of critical issues and structural faults, reducing repair time and costs, and most importantly saving peoples’ lives!

Wires&Bytes offers a range of cables for structural health monitoring: Non-metallic MultiSense, UniTEF, SensoWire, and others. Discover more on our website.

  Pictures of bridge collapses in the gallery:

  • I-35W Bridge, Minneapolis, Minnesota (Morry Gash/AP)
  • I-5 Skagit River Bridge, Mount Vernon, Washington (Wikipedia)
  • Florida International University pedestrian bridge (Pedro Portal/AP)